The Clapp Family

The Clapp Family
Gwyneth, Heath, Amy, Alan & Alana

Monday, December 8, 2014

Bon Mots

On Bullies:
Try not to judge. You never know what's going on in their home, do you?- it's likely they are being bullied as well. Reach out; be the bigger person.

On Wanting Something:
If you don't ask, the answer is always "No."

On Fun:
The moment in which we discover how to play is, with all due respect to every subsequent and more sophisticated joy, probably the best moment of any of our lives. Every new pleasure experienced for the first time and the sudden stirring of delight that follows is, in a sense, just an echo of this first happy cataclysm. And we are only barely there for it.
David Roth Vice Sports January 7, 2015

On Napping:
"How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards."
Spanish Proverb

On Parenthood:
The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.
Olivia Wilde

"There are moments when you feel like the most loving parent, and then in an instant you feel like your head is spinning in circles because you’re so upset over something so minor. Ahhh hormones.”

"People will tell you it’s hard, but you will have no concept of how hard it really is.”

The moment in which we discover how to play is, with all due respect to every subsequent and more sophisticated joy, probably the best moment of any of our lives. Every new pleasure experienced for the first time and the sudden stirring of delight that follows is, in a sense, just an echo of this first happy cataclysm. And we are only barely there for it.
David Roth vice sports January 7, 2015

boys don’t even try to stop being trash, like most dudes will go their whole lives never considering how terrible they are, much less how toxic they are to women

PAGE 244

Somehow, despite her politics and smarts, she had become a wife, and wives, as we all know, are invisible. The midnight elves of marriage. The house in the country, the apartment in the city, the taxes, the dog, all were her concern: he had no idea what she did with her time. It (would have been) was compounded with children;

PAGE 135

She understood that the hardest times in life to go through were when you were transitioning from one version of yourself to another.

First love doesn’t have to last to matter. —Eleanor and Park

"Mentally crafting incredibly angry speeches that i will never say to all the people I hate is my new favorite hobby"

Found this quote the day after the final day……. 10/28/15

“I was referring to menopause.” Snow’s mouth dropped open. “She has menopause?” “You didn’t notice?” Snow hesitated. “I know she’s been acting crazy lately. I never considered that.” “Few men do, believe me. But it’s different for everyone. Some women are hardly affected by it, and the duration is brief. For others it can be devastating. And then if you add to it the additional stress of her current situation, you can imagine…”
Punctured. Page 172

but on a serious note most people don’t have the same intentions for you as you do for them and you’ll break your head tryna figure out why you’re not good enough when really it’s them who don’t deserve you in their life.

If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.

Everything Is Awful and I’m Not Okay
Tumblr – 10/8/15

Relationships are an expensive and lonely way to watch someone slowly like you less and less.
Buzzfeed (I added the lonely)


“There have been times, lately,
when I dearly wished that I could
change the past. Well, I can’t,
but I can change the present,
so that when it becomes the past
it will turn out to be a past worth having.”
-Sir Terry Pratchett, I Shall Wear Midnight

 12/2/15 Tumbler

Taylor Swift-2015
The Negativity Cleanse
You are probably your harshest critic. And most times, the only thing holding you back from getting to where you want to be is yourself. Take some time to recognize all of your self-deprecating negative thoughts and write them down. Then come up with something positive that you can use to counteract each thought when you're struggling.

the shitty thing about depression/anxiety is the fact that you live with it so long and so much that you forget how insidious it actually is. When you can’t do something and you think it’s because you’re lazy and unmotivated and then you have an up day and you get so much stuff done and you don’t think about how it’s because you’re having an up day. That this is literally how people without mental illness function.

Say 'mom' one more time...

Kids can say "mom" eleven billion times in 30 minutes. Test it and get back to me.

Let's face it; parenting is a mind-bending, brain-melting and heart-thumping roller coaster ride on a full stomach. It is the greatest adventure and the toughest battle you will ever face.


On Sleep:


On Drinking:


On Conversation:

"I have the deepest affection for intellectual conversations. The ability to just sit and talk. About love, about life, about anything, about everything. To sit under the moon with all the time in the world, the full-speed train that is our lives slowing to a crawl. Bound by no obligations, barred by no human limitations. To speak without regret or fear of consequence. To talk for hours and about what's really important in life."

@bxjvq thegoodquote (copied from Renata Leite's Instagram page)

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